Welcome to the Art of Song.
The Erlkings are the bridge between today’s beloved genre of acoustic Singer Songwriters and the great Lied composers of the past. The songs of masters like Schubert and Schumann are rediscovered through the lens of a modern musical vocabulary and given new life in the 21st century through lovingly crafted English translations. The unusual combination of voice, guitar, cello, tuba and drums makes for a whole new world of sound, offering even the most conservative art song expert a chance to enjoy this repertoire as though for the first time.
The Erlkings: Haydn
Album #6 is out now!
Patreon, for those of you who don’t know, is an innovative platform for creators that allows an ensemble like THE ERLKINGS to build a tightly knit community of fans who receive exclusive content and access in exchange for a monthly contribution to the band’s finances. Come and see what we have in store for you!